Based on the information provided by family members, I have been able to locate some of the Census years where Martha and her family are enumerated. Using the census data I have made educated guesses on the persons, dates, places, etc, where events took place. Below is the information I have been able to find along with the assumptions that I have made. This data in no way represents definitive factual information about the people and/or the events that I have assumed. As more information is discovered it becomes easier to locate records and information. If you are able to clarify any of the information or if this "jogs" your memory, please let me know. Any information especially date and locations are very helpful when attempting to find additional records. |
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In the They are listed in the household of Mattie Caulfield (Martha), according to this Census she was born in February of 1874 in Louisiana. Martha is listed as the head of the household, a widow and the mother of 4 children with 3 still living. According to this Census her father was born in Alabama and her mother was born in Arkansas. The children are listed as:
Summary/Assumptions: Based on this census, Martha's second husband had passed away. Whoever supplied the Census taker with the information listed all the children in the household as having the same last name, Caulfield (as well as place of birth of the father, Ireland). Based on later Census years and what we know, the birth dates for Pierce and Otis are incorrect as well as Martha's birth place. Perhaps the information was provided by someone other than Martha? Martha married Jesse Magby around 1900.
In the They are listed in the household of Jesse A Magby, based on the age at the time of this Census he was born in 1873 in Texas. Martha is listed as his wife and her name is listed as what appears to be Mattie, she was born in Arkansas and based on the age at the time of this census she was born in either 1872 or 1874. (age looks like either 38 or 36) According to this Census her father was born in Alabama and her mother was born in Arkansas. Her marriage to Jessie is her 3rd and based on the time of current marriage they would have been married about 1900. She is also listed as the mother of 8 with 7 still living. The children are listed as:
Summary/Assumptions: Martha was first married to a man with the surname of Dean sometime around 1891-92 before Harry Pierce was born. Sometime after the birth of Otis Dean, Martha married someone named Caulfield as Vada is also listed as a step child of Jesse Magby was born around 1896. Martha married Jesse Magby around 1900.
By 1920 Jesse, Martha and their family have moved to Oklahoma as we find them in the ![]() They are again listed in the household of, looks like J B Magee, (note spelling of last name changed) based on the age at the time of this Census he was born in 1875 in Texas. Martha is listed as his wife and her name is listed again as Mattie, she was born in Arkansas and based on the age at the time of this census she was born in 1874. (age 46) According to this Census, again her father was born in Alabama and her mother was born in Arkansas. The children are listed as:
Summary/Assumptions: By 1920, all the step children of J B Magbee (Martha's children by her previous marriages) are no longer living with the Magbees. These are Harry P Dean age about 28, Otis Dean age about 25, and Vada Caulfield age about 24. Additionally by 1920 Martha had born (including one child who died referenced in the 1910 census) a total of 12 children. by 1920 Harry Pierce Dean had married and started a family of his own.
In 1930 Martha and her family have re-located back to
Arkansas as we find them in the They are again listed in the household of, Jessie Magbee. based on the age at the time of this Census he was born in 1879 in Texas. Martha is listed as his wife and her name is listed this time as Martha, she was born in Arkansas and based on the age at the time of this census she was born in 1879. (age 51) According to this Census, this time her father was born in Georgia and her mother was born in Louisiana. The children are listed as:
Summary/Assumptions: By 1930, seven of the children are no longer living with the Magbees. These are Harry P Dean age about 38, Otis Dean age about 35, and Vada Caulfield age about 34, Thirstle (sp) Magbee age about 28, Milton Magbee age about 25 and Jesse Magbee age 24. The inconsistencies in the place of birth and ages of Martha and Jesse my be due to one of the children providing the information to the census taker. I have seen many instances of inaccurate/inconsistent information in the census data. |
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