Family Group
Trevor Samuel McClunny, l
Born: 22 APR 1899 - Blackford County, Indiana
Marr: 19 NOV 1917 - Delaware County, Indiana, USA
Died: 03 MAR 1966 - Ball Memorial Hospital/Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
Father: Samuel L McClunny, II
Mother: Florence Belle Shellabarger
Other Spouses: Minnie Ruby Ash
Clara Ann Smith
Born: 04 JUN 1899 - Delaware County, Indiana
Died: 04 JAN 1990 - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
Father: George W Smith
Mother: Olive Anne Richwine
Other Spouses:
1. Florence Louise McClunny
Born: 12 JAN 1922 - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
Marr: - William M St. John (other spouses)
Died: 11 SEP 2007 - Sunshine Christian Nursing Home/Holiday, Pasco County, Florida
2. Trevor Samuel McClunny, ll
Born: 19 SEP 1923 - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
Marr: 1942 - Clara L Driscoll (other spouses)
Died: 28 FEB 1986 - Ridgeville, Randolph County, Indiana
3. Robert Lee McClunny
Born: 19 SEP 1925 -
Died: ABT 16 NOV 1944 - Inubo Saki, Japan (near the Tokyo Bay)

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