Family Group
Samuel Bowling
Born: 08 SEP 1817 - District Of Columbia, District of Columbia
Marr: 26 FEB 1852 -
Died: 26 MAY 1892 - Shelbina, Shelby County, MO
Father: Robert Bowling
Mother: Jane Christy Neale
Other Spouses:
Nancy Jane Martin
Born: 17 OCT 1833 - Monroe County, MO
Died: 31 MAR 1930 - Washington Township, Monroe County, Missouri
Father: Robert Brooks Martin
Mother: Mary Crutcher
Other Spouses:
1. Malvina Bowling
Born: 07 MAY 1853 - MO
Marr: - George Pearl Glenn
Died: -
2. Jane Bowling
Born: 1854 -
Died: -
3. Mary Polly Bowling
Born: 25 JUN 1856 - Monroe County, MO
Marr: 1877 - John J Sidener
Died: 27 JAN 1914 - Canada
4. Robert Brooks Bowling
Born: 10 AUG 1858 - Monroe County, MO
Marr: 1931 - Clara Lewis
Died: 20 FEB 1950 - Hunnewell, Shelby County, MO
5. Zilpha Bowling
Born: 02 APR 1860 - MO
Marr: 1885 - John Marcus Worland
Died: 28 NOV 1925 - Hannibal, Marion County, MO
6. Thomas Crutcher Bowling
Born: 13 AUG 1866 - Monroe County, MO
Marr: 1888 - Lula Lee Jett
Died: 1959 -
7. Samuel Monthelong Bowling
Born: 21 APR 1869 -
Marr: 1907 - Edna Giroux
Died: 1929 -

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