Family Group
John R Shrader
Born: 1810 - Marion County, VA
Marr: 28 MAR 1852 -
Died: -
Father: Absalom Shrader
Mother: Julia H
Other Spouses:
Mary Ann Cochran
Born: 07 DEC 1831 -
Died: 03 FEB 1900 -
Father: Thomas B Cochran
Mother: Margaret Whitlock
Other Spouses:
1. Elva Viola Shrader
Born: -
Died: -
2. Infant Shrader
Born: -
Died: -
3. William Henry Shrader
Born: -
Died: 14 JUN 1874 -
4. Martha Jane Shrader
Born: 08 MAY 1858 - Blackford County, Indiana
Marr: 1876 - Phillip Schmidt
Died: -
5. Jacob Marion Shrader
Born: 12 JUL 1862 - Washington Township, Blackford County, Indiana
Marr: 1885 - Phebe Jane Lockett (other spouses)
Died: 25 JUL 1923 - At home six mile north of Hartford City/Hartford City, Blackford County, Indiana

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