Family Group
Jacob Dreisbach
Born: 1748 - Probably in Wittgenstein, Germany
Marr: 1770 - PA
Died: 01 JUN 1804 - Buffalo Valley, Northumberland County, PA
Father: Martin Dreisbach, I
Mother: Anna Eva Hoffman
Other Spouses:
Magdalena Buchs
Born: 15 MAR 1757 - PA
Died: 15 FEB 1836 - Pickaway County, OH
Other Spouses:
1. Martin Dresbach
Born: 22 MAR 1776 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: 1801 - Lidya Spyker (other spouses)
Died: 25 SEP 1850 -
2. John Dresbach
Born: 03 SEP 1778 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: 1803 - Catherine Spyker (other spouses)
Died: 17 JUL 1843 - Ross County, OH
3. Sophia Dresbach
Born: 08 APR 1780 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: 1800 - John Peter Spyker
Died: 05 NOV 1860 -
4. Unknown Dresbach
Born: 1782 -
Died: BET 1803 AND 1811 - PA
5. Catherine Dresbach
Born: 1783 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: - Leonard Wolfe
Died: AFT 1850 - Probably Fairfield County, OH
6. George Dresbach
Born: 13 MAR 1784 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: 1809 - Catherine (Betz) Betts
Died: 07 OCT 1863 - Pickaway County, OH
7. Samuel Dresbach
Born: 05 DEC 1787 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: 1814 - Catherine Buchwalter (other spouses)
Died: 17 DEC 1849 - Pickaway County, OH
8. Benjamin Dresbach
Born: 13 OCT 1789 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: 1815 - Mary Pontious
Died: 04 DEC 1857 - Ross County, OH
9. Anna Maria Dresbach
Born: 13 FEB 1792 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: 1809 - Jacob Pontious (other spouses)
Died: 02 APR 1866 - Ross County, OH
10. Henry Dresbach
Born: 22 NOV 1794 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: 1817 - Mary Stauffer
Died: 09 JUN 1875 - Pickaway County, OH
11. Jonathon Dresbach
Born: 23 JUL 1796 - Northumberland County, PA
Marr: - Anna Susanna Eyestone (other spouses)
Died: 18 MAY 1861 - Fairfield County, OH

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