Is Jeremiah Lockett Jr. born in Virginia in 1809 the son of Jeremiah Lockett Sr. born in Virginia between 1771 and 1775? Based on the names alone you might say yes and I have seen several researchers who have made this assumption; however, no one to my knowledge has any "primary source" evidence (birth records, land records, etc) that would link the two. I try not make assumptions and typically don't include things with out proof. At this point, the evidence linking these two is all circumstantial; however, based on other (non-primary source) information and things that would seem to be too great a coincidence, etc. I have made the leap of logic and concluded that the two Jeremiahs are in fact father and son. The case Due to the fact that most Locketts can trace their roots back to Thomas Lockett of
Virginia, Thomas and his descendants have been heavily researched by other Lockett family researchers.
This is a generally accepted family tree for Thomas Lockett starting around the mid 1600's or
so. Follow this tree down our direct line starting with: I’m not endorsing any of this information; however, this seems to be the accepted line by the Lockett researchers I’ve run across and as far as I can tell, generally correct. I have seen a lot of this information verified in a couple of books I have (some are cited as sources for this tree). The submitter of this tree, Mildred Fournier, is one of the most thorough researchers of the "Old" Locketts. Her line branches off with one of Jeremiah Sr.’s brothers Josiah, so nothing from her from there on down. Beside the obvious things: Census Data Censuses taken prior to 1850 only list the head of the household and the number of persons (by sex) that fell into certain age ranges. It is possible to make an "educated" guess regarding the possible identity of these individuals by comparing the age ranges they are listed in and, using birthdays, their ages at the time they were believed to be living in the household.
Later censuses as well as family records list both Jeremiah Jr. and Edmund Lockett's birth places as Virginia (as well as their first daughter, Lydia born in 1831). If Jeremiah Jr. and his wife Phebe Karnes were living in the household of Jeremiah Sr. then Phebe would be listed as well. Phebe was born March 27, 1812 and would be 18-19 years old at the time of the 1830 Census. Religious Affiliations Another researcher told me that Jeremiah Lockett, Sr. may have been an itinerant preacher.
Forty years later in Niles Township, Delaware County, Indiana on April 1, 1836 a meeting was held for the organization of the Mississinewa Baptist Church. Jeremiah Lockett Jr. was one of the constituent members who signed the articles of covenant, probably at a later date. This makes sense given the involvement that Jeremiah JR's father, Jeremiah Sr., had with the Baptist church in Virginia.
While the above section has suggested that Jeremiah Sr. was affiliated
with the Baptist Church, his as well as his son, Jeremiah Jr.'s marriages both appear in the
Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy which suggest that they were Quakers. It is
interesting to note that
It is the surety of Jeremiah Lockett Sr. for Jeremiah Lockett Jr. that I believe most researchers have assumed/derived the relationship. I'm so concerned with proof that I have always been reluctant to assume the relationship. What really sort of clinched it for me was when I discovered Jeremiah JR's first daughter (also born in Virginia) was named Lydia (for her Grandmother Lydia Bondurant?) What do you think? |