Victor James Lockett 1900-1981
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The Two Jeremiahs
Victor's G-Grandfather is Jeremiah Lockett, II whose "assumed" father is Jeremiah Lockett, I. Jeremiah Lockett, I is a well documented descendant of Thomas Lockett who first appears in Virginia in the mid 1600's. While I have not been able to locate (yet) any primary source documentation that definitively links the two Jeremiahs as father and son, I believe this to be the case. Read the case for linking the them. The Two Jeremiahs |
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Descendant Tree - Four generations of Locketts who descend from Jeremiah Lockett, I. Descendants of Richard Lockett |
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All family tree - This Family Tree contains all individuals from the four main family groups (Crutcher, Dresbach, Huffman and Lockett) as well as all individuals in the sub-family groups. This link also contains an index of every Surname, Photo Page Index, Inter-linked trees to every individual and Family Group pages with links to sources and notes. |
Biographies - More in-depth history of individuals derived from researched information, sometimes written and submitted by people who knew the subjects personally. |
James Hamilton Lockett
Jeremiah Lockett, II
Victor James Lockett
Samuel L McClunny, II (Father in-law of James Martin Lockett)
Ulysses Grant Rogers (Husband of Willa Jane McCluney)
Submit A Biography - You can either type your Biography in the body of your email or attach a file containing your biography.
Other Families - Families whose lines have been more heavily researched that have links to the Lockett line. |
McClunny - Victor James Lockett's maternal Grandfather, Samuel L. McClunny. McClunny Surname Index ![]()
Leffingwell - Victor James Lockett's paternal 6th Great Grandfather, Thomas Leffingwell. Leffingwell Surname Index ![]()
Shelton - Floyd Shelton. Shelton Surname Index ![]()
Shrader - Absalom Shrader. Shrader Surname Index
Primary Source Documents - Copies of documentation used in compiling and verifying the data contained in these pages. (birth certificates, death certificates, family histories, etc. |
History of the Leffingwell Family by Rachel Annette Ross (Shelton) History of the Absalom and Julia Shrader Family by Rachel Annette Ross (Shelton) A Partial History of the Shrader Family Tree by Benjamine G. Shinn Samuel McClunny Civil War Pension File (Select pages)
External Links - Links to Lockett and sub-family information helpful in the researching of these families. |
Barber County Kansas - History and Genealogy
Blackford County, IN - Indiana USGenWeb site for Blackford County
Fremont County, IA - Iowa USGenWeb site for Fremont County
MOMS - Minnesota Official Marriage System - online marriage records
Strong Family - Genealogy Home Page - Vannurden Family Page
West Virginia Division of Culture and History - online Birth, Marriage and Death records
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Photograph identification help - Photographs that were included within groups of family photos without being identified. Do you know who these people are? |
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Grave Markers and links |
Lockett Virtual cemetery at Find a Grave ![]()
McClunny Virtual cemetery at Find a Grave ![]()
Find a Grave - Search cemetery listings at Find a Grave. Often includes picture of grave markers.
Special Thanks |
The number of individuals who have helped are too numerous to mention. Almost without exception, other genealogy researchers are willing to help in any way they can, often even when there is only a limited or non-direct relationship to their own family line or research interest. There are individuals that have gone out of their way with help including copies of primary source documents and general willingness to go far beyond just answering questions. These people become co-researchers and invaluable.
Shirley Draper - Shirley is a Granddaughter of Elizabeth Lockett, daughter of George D Lockett and Elizabeth Nelson (Lockett). Shirley has provided invaluable information as well as many, wonderful pictures of the early Lockett and Miller families. Her generous sharing of information has filled and continues to fill, many blanks and has expanded the George D. Lockett branch of the family considerably.
Linda Nusbaum - A McClunny researcher whose husband is a Grandson of Samuel McClunny and his second wife Florence Shellabarger's daughter Gretchen "Gram" McClunny (Nusbaumer). Linda has provided invaluable information as well as many, wonderful pictures of the early McClunny family. Her generous sharing of information has led and continues to lead to the filling in of many blanks and expanding the McClunny branch of the family considerably.
Winifred Ladoscia Rennick (Lockett) - Winnie is the wife of Cleo Edmund Lockett (Jasper, James, Jeremiah I, Jeremiah II) whose help has been immeasurable. Winnie graciously sent me copies of all the information that she had on the Locketts, including old letters and pictures. Her help allowed me to link to and find numerous ancestors that I otherwise would not have been able to locate.
Rachel Annette Ross (Shelton) - Rachel is the wife of Floyd Shelton who is a Great Grandson of James Lockett. Rachel is primarily responsible for providing me with copies of the Leffingwell, Shrader and Shelton family histories. Rachel was very helpful and without whose help, I wouldn't have been able to fill in as much of the "tree" as I have.
Bea Rutherford - A McClunny\McCluney researcher who is the Great Granddaughter of Samuel McClunny and his first wife Sarah Henry. Before working with Bea I wasn't aware of Samuels "first" family at all. Bea was gracious enough to send me many copies of primary source documents encompassing her research regarding Samuel and his "first" family.
Russell Strong - Strong Family researcher.