Family Crest Information
        Huffman Family Main Page

Rosa May Huffman 1904-1991

This section of Locknett is primarily concerned with the ancestors of Rosa May Huffman.  Rosa or "Polly" was born in Texas where she spent the early part of her youth.  She moved with her family to Oklahoma in the early 1900's where she grew up and went to school.  Polly graduated from the University Of Oklahoma on June 8, 1926 with a Nursing degree and worked as a Registered Nurse for many years.  Polly married Robert Bruce Crutcher and they lived in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma before settling in Wichita, Kansas.
Descendant Tree - Four generations of Huffman's who descend from George Huffman.  Descendants of George Huffman

All family tree - This Family Tree contains all individuals from the four main family groups (Crutcher, Dresbach, Huffman and Lockett) as well as all individuals in the sub-family groups.  This link also contains an index of every Surname, Photo Page Index, Inter-linked trees to every individual and  Family Group pages with links to sources and notes.


Biographies - More in-depth history of individuals derived from researched information, sometimes written and submitted by people who knew the subjects personally.

        James William "bud" Huffman  

Submit A Biography - You can either type your Biography in the body of your email or attach a file containing your biography.

Other Families - Families whose lines have been more heavily researched that have links to the Huffman line.

Autry - Rosa May Huffman's mothers family, the Autry's.  Autry Family Main Page

Wingo - Rosa May Huffman's maternal Great Grandfather, Patrick Henry Wingo. Wingo Surname Index

Primary Source Documents - Copies of documentation used in compiling and verifying the data contained in these pages.  (birth certificates, death certificates, family histories, etc.

J. W. Huffman Genealogy - Written by Melba Jean Huffman Mezger 1983
The J. W. Huffman Family - Written by Nell Hicks, Maggie Berry and Lloyd Huffman 1978
Silvertooth - Written by an unknown author.
Francis Amanda Wingo (Autry's) Family Bible Pages

External Links - Links to Huffman and sub-family information helpful in the researching of these families.
George Washington Autry - World Tree
John Wingo - World Tree
Photograph identification help - Photographs that were included within groups of family photos without being identified.  Do you know who these people are?
Grave Markers and links
hUFFMAN Virtual cemetery at Find a Grave
Find a Grave - Search cemetery listings at Find a Grave.  Often includes picture of grave markers. 
Tea for 2 - On-line data base of select cemeteries and pictures of the tombstones within

Special Thanks

The number of individuals who have helped are too numerous to mention.  Almost without exception, other genealogy researchers are willing to help in any way they can, often even when there is only a limited or non-direct relationship to their own family line or research interest.  There are individuals that have gone out of their way with help including copies of primary source documents and general willingness to go far beyond just answering questions.  These people become co-researchers and invaluable.

Dennis Comer - Dennis is linked to the Huffman line through Rosa May Huffman's maternal Grandfather, George Anderson Autry.  Dennis is the pre-eminent researcher of all things Autry and has been invaluable and responsible for almost all the Autry family information contained in these pages so much so that there is a whole section devoted to the Autry's. Autry Family Main Page

Francis Eulela Katherine Huffman (Smith) - Kate is the sister of Rosa May Huffman and is, and continues to be, an invaluable source of information on, not only the Huffman's but other sub-family lines as well.

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